Hi there

I'm Stephanie!

I’m currently pursuing a Master's of Science in Information Studies at the University of Texas at Austin focusing on UX Design & Research, with a specialization in Health Informatics.

I became interested in these fields through working with patient records, where after organizing, scanning, and manually entering thousands of physical patient folders into the shared company folder, I would find myself wondering, “How can we make this process smoother? How can this be improved so that patients can access their information themselves?” These questions consumed me, but when I inquired about changes, rarely was the answer anything outside of keeping the status quo and leaving things alone. Which, naturally, led me to do the opposite. In my search to find a way to answer these questions, I found the world of user experience, where I finally found the answers I was looking for.

I fell in love with the fast-paced process of ideation, interviewing users, and improving products based on their feedback, and the rest is history. 

Picture of Stephanie with Tropical Background